How much money will you need to manage your retirement? Check out our AI powered calculator - enter the data and it does the rest!
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
Have you ever wondered whether you're going to be OK during retirement?  If your money will last?  How much will you need? etc.  Wonder no more!  Arnexa Retire Fit is an AI powered system that will dramatically simplify the process for you in 5 simple steps:

First: Enter your household information for you (and, optionally) your spouse/partner.  Enter your current age, your desired retirement age and estimated number of years of retirement you'd like to plan for.  We have sensible defaults entered already.

Second: Enter your income streams during retirement.  From social security to pensions to annuities that you may have purchased, enter them all.  You can conveniently enter at what ages those payments will kick in.  Plan to earn money during retirement by working at some hobbies?  Enter those too!  

Third: Enter your assets that you will have at retirement. 401k, IRA, Roth, other savings and investments.  Enter the asset allocations: the breakdown between stocks, bonds and cash of your assets.  

Fourth: Enter your expenses at retirement.  We provide a comprehensive set of categories for you to think about as you estimate your expenses so you won't miss out anything important - from rent, to loan payments, to taxes, etc.  Break your expenses down between the "essentials" (cannot do without this) and the "nice to have" - so you can easily see what you can afford during retirement.

Fifth, and finally:  Now run the system.  We crunch through thousands of simulations to model income, expenses (inflation adjusted for both normal and health care expenses),  asset growth (depending on different market conditions, and your asset allocation).  We will then display whether you will have sufficient funds for the planned retirement scenario and give you a year-by-year breakdown of cash flows.  

Try it out now!  And start taking steps TODAY so that your retirement may be spent chasing grand kids and not money!
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