Artemis Sheets is the easiest way to get accurate crypto data into your Google Sheets™ workbooks.
정보 업데이트:2024년 3월 25일
호환 기기:
Artemis Sheets is the fastest way to get accurate crypto data from chains, dApps, and NFT projects directly into your Google Sheets™ workbooks. 

Get crypto metrics that matter in one place. No coding required.

Get started with a free trial today and join leading investors at Dragonfly, Arca, Spartan Group, Modular Capital in using the best crypto data plugin.

Artemis Sheet uses CapIQ-like syntax. Pull crypto data as easy as =ART("ETH", "FEES", ) to get Ethereum fees for the last day or =ART("pudgy-penguins","NFT_Floor_Price") for the latest floor price for Pudgy Penguins.

- Get the latest market data including price, market cap, volume, and supply data for over 2,000 tokens and NFT projects.

- Pull fundamental and valuation metrics including TVL, daily active addresses, transactions, developer metrics, fees, revenues and social followers. 

- Plug in your TokenTerminal API key and immediately start pulling metrics 

- Plug in your Dune API key and immediately start pulling metrics from your favorite Dune dashboards.

- Build your own analysis from scratch, embed crypto data into your existing analyses, or get a jump start by using one of our many pre-built templates.

Supported data providers: CoinGecko,, DefiLlama, TokenTerminal, Dune 

= ART("ETH", "PRICE") to get Ethereum Price for today
= ART("BTC", "MC") to get most recent Bitcoin Marketcap
= ART("LDO","LTM_REVENUE") to get Lido revenue for the last 12 months
=ART("SOL","PRICE",TODAY()-365, TODAY(), "DESC") to get Solana price for the last year in descending order.
=ART("Pudgy-Penguins","NFT_Floor_Price") to get the latest Pudgy Penguins NFT floor price
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