Error-proof artworks with online proofing tools and accelerate a product’s time-to-market
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You can error-proof artworks with just a few clicks. This extension supports AI and PDF formats. Review designs with online proofing tools and accelerate a product’s time-to-market:
1. Correct fonts & colors in your design
     Find Fonts type & size, Pantone & CMYK colors used in your packaging labels or marketing collaterals using this simple & free tool for artwork proofing to ensure that correct fonts and colors are used in your design.

2. Right dimensions in your design
    Measure dimensions of various elements in your design files such as brand text & graphics on front of pack, size of various logos, display boxes, panels and text on back of pack and ensure everything is as per brand guidelines and regulatory guidelines.
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TarifsNon disponible
Statut de professionnel non spécifié
AssistanceNon disponible
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