You have data questions but you don’t like the technical process to access the answers? Let search the information you need. Simply ask your question and our artificial intelligence will give you the answers: tab, graph, numbers, etc. It explores and gathers data from your databases to generate the information you need within seconds. Your data assistant will also suggest additional analysis based on your recent questions.
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You have data but you do not like the technical process to access them ? Use a data-assistant to answer your questions about your business data !

What is, the first data-assistant on Google Chat ? 

- AI-powered personal data-assistant
- No data skills needed for you
- Provides instant answers
- Understands specific business vocabulary is the first AI-powered data assistant which instantly answers in Google Chat your business questions by processing your data, with no skills needed. is the data expert you need at your side, just a chat away in your familiar Google environment. 

Once your data is connected, you can ask your data-assistant to
- Provide you the proper graph, table, numbers, that you can download  
- Make suggestions based on your previous questions 
- Send you alerts
- Bookmark your favourite questions
- Help you go deeper into inquiries

If you are a data expert, you can use to answer simple questions in your place. Spare time answering never-ending questions from your teams !
If you are not a data expert, you can use to get instant answers about your business data, 24/7, in your own vocabulary.

In order to use the app your company must be a customer of If it is not the case, you can book a demo here
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