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AskR.ai is your data-assistant. Connect askR.ai to your business data and chat about your KPIs and receive notifications in Google Chat™.
Ändrades senast:6 augusti 2024
Fungerar med:
93 tn+
Your AI powered virtual assistant askR.ai is just a chat away in your familiar Google Chat™ business environment. 
- Chat with askR.ai just as you do with any of your colleagues. As a data expert, he can answer any questions you have on the performance of your business, in only a few seconds, directly in Google Chat™.
- Receive notifications and suggestions on how to improve your performance.
- Easily access all your indicators on demand.

Important disclaimer: In order to use this app your company must be a customer of askR.ai and have a valid account. If it is not the case, you can book a demo here: https://en.askR.ai/demo

Google Chat™ is a trademark of Google LLC
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