Easily create self-grading assignments. Automatically mark and score student assignments by the folder-load as your grade book writes itself.
Take control of your digital assignments!  

For use with Google Slides™ and Google Sheets™.   Assignment Builder is designed specifically for teachers to create digital assignments on Google Slides™ that can be automatically graded using the Assignment Builder's features on Google Sheets™.  

With Google Slides™:
• Lock Backgrounds from Images – For every image on the active slide, a blank slide will be appended to the active presentation with the respective image set as the background.  Switch included to reverse the order of slides on output.

• Lock Background – Sets an image of the active slide to the background of the active slides.  Option included to insert a response box for every pre-locked textbox. 

• Insert Response Box – Inserts a textbox to collect student responses as 
 the text typed into the shape.

• Insert Position Shape – Inserts a shape to collect student responses as the position of the shape on the slide.

• Set Alt Text – Delete or edit the title for the alternate text for multiple shapes simultaneously according to automatic grading category (response or position).  

• Build Answer Key – Creates an answer key Sheets™ file in the same folder as the active Slides™ presentation containing the user indicated correct responses.  An invisible text box on the first slide links the assignment to the answer key file.

• Check Responses – Will check the student response text and positions with those listed on the assignment's answer key.  Incorrect responses will be filled red, and an approximate score will appear on the first slide.  

With Google Sheets™:
Grade All Assignments From Folder – Will 'check student response' for all Slides™ files contained in a user selected folder (E.g. the folder automatically created in Google Drive™ when an assignment is copied to all students on Google Classroom™).  Student and assignment names and scores are automatically filled on the active sheet. (Slides must contain the 'build answer key' generated box, and the related 'build answer key' Sheets™ file must exist in your Google Drive™.

Clear All Scores From Folder – Clears all scores and incorrect marks from all the Slides files contained within the user selected folder.  Scores on the active sheet are not affected.

Easily enhance your digital assignments with automatic grading!
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这样可让Assignment Builder
查看、修改、创建和删除您的所有 Google 云端硬盘文件
仅查看、修改、创建和删除您通过此应用使用的特定 Google 云端硬盘文件
在 Google 幻灯片中创建演示文稿,以及查看、修改和删除您在 Google 幻灯片中的所有演示文稿
在 Google 表格中创建电子表格,以及查看、修改和删除您在 Google 表格中的所有电子表格
在 Google 应用的提示和边栏中显示和运行第三方网页内容
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Google 不会核实评价或评分。 详细了解评价
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