ASSISTments App for Google Classroom
The ASSISTments App for Google Classroom gives access to content that used to only be available at

With the App, teachers can find our content preview it and then assign it directly to their students. The link that is pushed to the class stream goes to the student report for the teacher.  For the students the link goes to the problems in the assignment where they will get immediate feedback. 

Currently there are three sets of content, Math skill practice, AP Statistics and High School Chemistry.  

The 300 skill practice assignments in Math align to the common core state standards for grade 2 through High School.  These are adaptive assignments where students work until they get three problems right in a row. If a student gets a problem wrong they get support in the form of hints. Getting the problem wrong does not count against the student, what matters is that they get the three right in a row.  

The High School Chemistry content includes adaptive and complete all problem sets organized by topic. 

 The AP Statistic content  consists of 14 review problem sets for High School AP Statistics. 
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