Automated Telephonic Survey App (ATSA) offers you the ability to take your surveys from the phone directly to the cloud. Instead of conducting offline surveys, the same can be conducted over any phone using an IVR system which will conduct the survey for you thereby saving you time, money and operations costs.
Automated Telephonic Survey App (ATSA) offers you the ability to take your surveys from the phone directly to the cloud. Instead of conducting offline surveys, the same can be conducted over any phone using an IVR system which will conduct the survey for you thereby saving you time, money and operations costs.

The surveying company can set up an online survey within minutes and get going. The automated system will make calls on your behalf to record responses from the participants directly to the cloud. Even though the responses are stored on a cloud-based system, the participants of the survey need not be connected to the internet.  This application is specifically designed with this fact in mind that not everybody has always-on internet connectivity. The survey participants only have to pick up their phones when the system calls in and the system records their responses over the phone. The phone required on this system need not be a high-end smartphone! Any simple phone or even a landline is enough for this system to give you results.
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