Attendance tracker add-on for Google Sheets™ - Create a sign-in sheet template for fast and simple attendance tracking. Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Дата оновлення:6 лютого 2024 р.
Template - Create your sign-in sheet template in a few clicks, select a month or start and end date, the add-on will auto-populate the headers with dates for this attendance period.

Auto-mark the attendance based on rules for the specific weekday, e.g. auto-mark all the students Present Monday-Friday and Leave on Weekends.
You may also choose to color the cells to make it easier to look up absences.

Convenient manual attendance tracking - Select a cell and click on the attendance preset buttons - Present, Absent, Leave, and more.

Summaries - Calculate the attendance data for each student and day, the summaries are recorded on the right most column.

Google Sheets™ web-based spreadsheet program is a trademark of Google LLC.
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