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Audio editor to import audios, remove noise, cut & combine clips, and apply special audio effects.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:13 stycznia 2024
Współpracuje z:
3 mln+
Audacity online is an audio editor to import your own audios, remove noise, cut and combine clips, apply special audio effects and much more in order to achieve professional results.  Whether you are making music, podcasts, or audio books, Audacity is a very good tool to edit audios or music online. Its main features are:

- Import sound files, edit them, and combine them with other files:
* Import and export WAV, AIFF, AU, FLAC and Ogg Vorbis files.
* Import and export all formats supported by libsndfile Such as GSM 6.10, 32-bit and 64-bit float WAV and U / A-Law.
* Import MPEG audio (including MP2 and MP3 files) using libmad .
* Import raw (headerless) audio files using the “Import Raw” command.
* Create WAV or AIFF files.
* Export MP3 Files with the optional LAME encoder library .
* Import and export AC3, M4A/M4R (AAC) and WMA with the optional FFmpeg library.

- Sound Quality:
* Supports 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit (floating point) samples (Latter preserves the samples in excess of full scale).
* Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.
* Tracks with different sample rates or formats are converted Automatically in real time.

- Audio Editing online:
* Easy Editing with Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete.
* Unlimited Undo (and Redo) to go back any number of steps.
* Edit and mix large numbers of tracks.
* Multiple clips per track are allowed.
* Label tracks.
* Envelope Tool to fade the volume up or down smoothly.

- Audio effects:
* Change the pitch without altering the tempo (or vice-versa).
* Remove static, hiss, hum or other constant background noises.
* Alter frequencies with Equalization, Bass Boost, High / Low Pass and Notch Filter effects.
* Adjust volume with Compressor, Amplify, Normalize, Fade In / Fade Out.
* Remove Vocals from Suitable stereo tracks.
* Create voice-overs for podcasts or DJ sets using Auto Duck effect.
* Echo
* Phaser
* Reverse
* Truncate Silence
- Audio online Analysis:
* Spectrogram view modes for visualizing frequencies.
* “Plot Spectrum” command for detailed frequency analysis.
* “Sample Data Export” for exporting to file Containing amplitude values ​​for each sample in the selection.
* Contrast Analysis for analyzing volume average.

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