Interact with your audience by creating a Google Form™ from Google Slides™. Send your question to the Form™ and responses are automatically sent back to Slides™.
Дата оновлення:23 жовтня 2024 р.
110 тис.+
Developed by Alice Keeler to create better interactions when giving a Google Slides™ presentation. From the Slides™ Add-ons menu choose setup. This will create a Google Form™ and automatically connect the Form™ to the Slides.™ From any slide, push the text to the Form™ to update the question. Form responses are AUTOMATICALLY pushed back to the Google Slides™. 

This Add-on is exclusively for Alice Keeler premium members. Please visit to join. 

This Add-on collects NO USER DATA. None. The developer has zero access to any PII (Personal Identifying Information) Check out more of her Add-ons at
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