Auto Email can schedule quickly, manage & time efficiently the Email send-outs.
Дата оновлення:24 листопада 2023 р.
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Many people use the unique features of Auto Email to stay organized and get more done. It's a FREE to-do list app with a brand new auto email send out part to enhance productivity to the next level. 

Use the Auto Email to keep up with today's email work upfront without worrying about the right time intervals to send a separate email. 

You can use a short and handy to-do list to send out Auto-Email in an effective way.
Set categories & priorities for emails
Organize email with lists
Add levels with subtasks
Prioritize emails on your checklist

Having this application on your smartphone will allow you to tackle recurring emails. This daily email management app serves as an elite solution for a person who is an avid email user. 

Follow the simple steps to use the application; if you follow the instructions below, you will never forget a thing about this application. 
After installing the app, you will see an Add-on named Auto Email.
The Add has a new sheet called " Emails." 
Place the values in the email sheet accordingly. 
After filling in the details, click on the start timer to send the emails periodically. 
If you want to stop the timer, you need to remove the value from the " Time in hours" column and click on the stop timer. Otherwise, the clock will reset itself. 
These are some of the fantastic critical features of the application " Auto Email." If you collaborate your work with this powerful tool, it will help you get done with more work in a shorter period, which is much needed in today's fast-paced work life. 
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