How dooes one communicate when unable to communicate anymore, where the ability not so long ago do so was removed from australias inhumane treatment of a human life, with delivery of basic supports, services and healthcare failing without accountability to grant funding and stakeholder interests in the past decade, dominating economic agenda before human life.
The primary fundamental obligation of a Democratic State is to govern Private Wealth (private businesses including Non for Profit/Charity, of niche business models: targetting specific individual groups in society the Government identifies a demand will arise for, as per plans or strategy where Taxes available annually of over $50 Billion are offered to individual business minded people. Funding new or established business utilising human life sectors from donated funding as a registered business owner, utilising funding to run business operations where expenses like offices, property, wages, vehicles, office supplies etc don't attract Taxes under one condition. The end of the financial year expenses, depreciation on funded purchases for business needs, other Grants both governement and private including donations from society believing non for profit or charity is to benefit volunteers not earning a salery or the samller element of funding offset against wages and potential end of year profits, that is not seen by the most vulnerable human life these businesses offered accountability in acceting large sums of free money that can only grow.
Those exposed increasingly each year as statistics refelct of poverty, homelessness and last resort to escape these conditions, only refelct funding as it is an offset to the bussiness Profit being why statistics ignorned internationally continue to grow and expand to new areas of society, where here Private Wealth is adopted abundantly moreso than only 5 years agao, when first reaching the stage Democratic Values had failed its fundamental role as the peoples governing body (regulating bodies representing individuals through to our largest Authoritarian System now without say, founded on equality and ethics now influenced by social sensitivity dictated to it), as Private Wealth ensures the economy is where it should be. With the same principle applied to an increasingly threatened humanity, where without money there is no human life & accountability ensuring reasonable standard "delivery of systems" for individuals within the population wastes, tax payer money!
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