Auto Share is a Gmail™ app allows you to automatically share Google Docs™, Google Spreadsheets™ and Google Presentations™ with other users when they request access.
Fiche mise à jour le :18 décembre 2022
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Using Auto Share saves you the hassle (and potential mistakes) of sharing docs manually and dramatically reduces the amount of time those requesting access will need to wait to access docs.

You can control which documents are shared with which users and whether they should be given ‘View’ or ‘Edit’ access by creating rules.

For example, you might create a rule to automatically give ‘View’ access to any users with an ‘’ domain requesting access to spreadsheets with ‘ Example | Public’ in the title.


When Auto Share runs (each hour and whenever you manually trigger it), it will examine the unprocessed requests you have received (i.e. emails with the title ‘Share request for …’ from Google). For each, Auto Share will examine the user, the domain of that user, the type of the document and the title to see if the request matches any of the rules you have set up. 

If there is a match, Auto Share will do the following:
Mark the email as read
Give the requester access
Add labels showing the level of access granted and marking the email as processed

If there is not a match, Auto Share will do the following:
Mark the email as unread
Add labels marking the email as processed and unshared

If a request matches a rule giving Edit access and a rule giving View access then Edit access will be given.


The ‘Create a New Rule’ view has six options.

Rule Name: the name used to identify the rule
User: either a specific email address to match one user or ‘*’ to match all users. For example, 
Domain: either a specific domain to match only user from that domain or ‘*’ to match all domains. For example, ‘’.
Title contains: either some text which to match docs which contain that text in the title or ‘*’ to match all titles. For example, ‘ | Public’.
Document type: which document types the rule should match with.
Access Type: whether to give View access or Edit access

User and domain are case insensitive; title is case sensitive.

Remember, a doc will only be shared if the request fully matches the rule.

So if you create this rule:
Rule Name: example rule
Domain: *
Title: Public
Document Type: Spreadsheets
Access Type: View

And this request is received:
jo@example has requested access to the Spreadsheet ‘Example’ 

Then the doc would not be shared as the doc does not have ‘Public’ in the title.


You can view rules by selecting ‘View Rules’ from the main menu.

Each rule has a ‘Remove’ button attached.

What if multiple rules match?
If the rules have the same access level then the doc will be shared with that access level. If they have different access levels then the higher one (i.e. Edit) will be used.

What if there is an error?
If for some reason a request cannot be processed then the email will be left unread and the label ‘auto-share-error’ will be added.

Will the app start as soon as I install it?
No, Auto Share will only process emails if at least one rule exists.

Can I stop the app without uninstalling it?
If you can remove all of the rules.

How can I see which emails were processed?
Auto Share will add labels starting with ‘Auto Share’ to all emails which are processed. For example, the label ‘auto-share-edit’ will be added if Edit access was given.
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsEssai sans frais
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
Auto Share vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Auto Share aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
Auto Share pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Afficher, modifier, créer et supprimer des fichiers dans Google Drive
Exécuter en tant que module complémentaire Gmail
Consulter, rédiger et envoyer des e-mails à partir de votre compte Gmail
Autoriser l'exécution de cette application en votre absence
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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