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This add-on lets you instantly convert every math equation in your document into beautiful latex images!
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37 Mln+
This add-on lets you automatically convert every LaTeX equation in your document into beautiful images! Simply enclose your math equations within $$ ... $$ and click the button in the sidebar, and all of your equations will be rendered in LaTeX!

This add-on has many advantages when compared to other formula editors or the default Google Docs equation editors.

★ Convert multiple equations at the same time, using any function supported by LaTeX!
★ Always render in the highest quality!
★ By using automatic sizing, the rendered image will exactly match the font size of the equation! To change size, simply drag the box or change the original font size.
★ By using inline sizing, fractions and other tall expressions will be shortened to match the rest of the expression!
★ If you want to change the equation after it has been rendered, just click the 'De-render Equation' button!
★ Type equations directly into your document instead of clicking to an external sidebar!
★ Change colors and font settings in your equations using CodeCogs LaTeX commands!
★ Only converts equations within $$ or \[ symbols, meaning you render only the equations you want to have rendered!
★ NEW! Option to de-render all equations!
★ Actively updated, meaning YOUR feedback can help improve future versions of the add-on! For more info, check our website at autolatex.com.

Permissions Explained:

Permissions always look scary. Here is a clear list of the permissions needed, and the reasons why.

★ View and manage your documents in Google Drive - The application needs to be able to search the documents for equations, then edit the documents by inserting the LaTeX.

★ View and manage data associated with the application - Each user has preferences (for instance, the size setting that you selected), and these need to stay between closing/opening the sidebar. Note that this data is strictly local and never transmitted or uploaded.

★ Allow this application to run when you are not present - Once the "Render Equations" button is clicked, the application needs time to retrieve equations, render them, download them, then place them in the document. This permission only says that when you switch to another tab, the processes can still run in the background.

★ Connect to an external service - The application needs to fetch images from CodeCogs/TeXRendr/Roger's renderer.

If you have any problems or want more features to be added, please send an email to the developer at autolatex@gmail.com. We will consider every request, and try to get back to you as soon as possible. Access more information at autolatex.com, our official website.

Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. CodeCogs is a trademark of Zyba Ltd. Use of this trademark is subject to the CodeCogs Usage Policy.
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Rodolfo Bautista Morote
30 marzo 2023
Ogni qualvolta scrivo el simbolo $$ ----$$ con la mia equazione al 'interno ,,,niente rimane tutto in codice e niente da fare. e gratis ma non per questo deve essere una porcheria
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
22 marzo 2020
Non funziona Status: Idle ScriptError: Per eseguire questa azione è richiesta l'autorizzazione. mi sono disconnesso e riconnesso. Continua a non funzionare
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
22 settembre 2017
il font e' diverso da quello delle equazioni integrate. si blocca ogni volta che si esegue il render delle formule, inoltre sarebbe piu' intuitivo inserire una struttura con tutti i simboli prefatti opportunamente separati in menu che nel momento in cui ci si preme inseriscano il corrispettivo in latex nel documento.
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
28 agosto 2017
Fantastico! Finalmente è possibile scrivere equazioni in LaTex all'interno di Google Docs!!! Alta qualità, funziona egregiamente. Però ha un limite: non allinea le frazioni al testo sul segno di frazione ma sul denominatore. Potete risolvere? Can you align fraction to text at the fraction delimiter instead of the denominator? Thank you
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
4 luglio 2020
Se avete necessità di integrare formule matematiche scritte in Latex nei vostri documenti, questo add-on è praticamente indispensabile.
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
3 ottobre 2019
Strumento veramente utile e versatile. Il codice generato può essere utilizzato anche in GeoGebra e nei CAS
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Carlo Imperato
6 ottobre 2020
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
23 marzo 2020
Però non funziona nei google form!!
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Un utente di Auto-LaTeX Equations
31 marzo 2019
Great!! Finally Latex on Google Docs!! :)
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