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AutoMastery is a Google Forms Add-On that allows the Form owner to send students assignments based on their score on a Google Form. The owner sets a mastery level score and a beginner level score in a Google Form and sets what link respondents will receive via email with an assignment based on their scores.
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33 mln.+
AutoMastery is a Google Forms Add-On that allows the Form owner to send students leveled assignments based on their score on a Google Form.  The owner sets a mastery level score and a beginner level score, which will determine which of 3 different leveled assignment links a respondent will receive via email upon submitting the form. 

Quiz takers will fall into one of three grade categories: Mastery, Progressing, and Beginner.  

If a student has mastered the material and scores at or above the Mastery Score the form owner sets, he or she will be assigned an extension activity as set by the teacher.  

A student who scores above the Beginner Score, but below the Mastery Score, will be sent the assignment for the progressing level, set by the teacher, to help them work toward the mastery level.  

A student not reaching the Beginner Score will be sent a comprehensive assignment, at the beginning level, as set by the teacher, to help them learn the content.

The add-on allows teachers to easily differentiate instruction for students and automatically send each student an assignment to help them move to the next level of mastery.
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KostenNiet beschikbaar
Handelaarsstatus niet opgegeven
AutoMastery vraagt u om de onderstaande rechten. Meer informatie
AutoMastery heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan AutoMastery het volgende doen:
Al je Google Drive-bestanden weergeven, bewerken, maken en verwijderen
Formulieren waarin deze app is geïnstalleerd bekijken en beheren
Uitvoering van deze applicatie toestaan wanneer je niet aanwezig bent
E-mail verzenden als jezelf
Gegevens met betrekking tot de app bekijken en beheren
Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
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