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The best Google Sheets automation tool. Send emails, Slack messages automatically.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:21 czerwca 2024
Współpracuje z:
228 tys.+
Manually doing time-consuming and repetitive tasks every day is frustrating.

Why not automate the boring stuff and find more time in your life?

Learn how to use Logic Sheet to save your time and boost productivity by automating repetitive tasks. Set up a single automation workflow, and let Logic Sheet do the action for you.

You can set up automation workflows to let Logic Sheet send an Email notification or send a Slack message when your spreadsheet is edited. You can also set up workflows that run every hour or every day and check the latest data in your spreadsheets. Or just get notified when a new form is submitted to your Google Sheets.

🤖️ What you can do with Logic Sheet Automation:

- ⌚️ Set up triggers that run at a specific time
- 🕙 Set up triggers that run at a fixed interval (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly)
- 🌟 Set up triggers that listen to spreadsheet edits
- 🥳 Set up triggers that listen to form submission
- 🪝 Set up webhooks to trigger automations
- ⁉️ Set up conditions for each automation workflow
- 📧 Send email notification when the automation is triggered
- 💬 Send a Slack message when the automation is triggered
- 🔄 Hard refresh the spreadsheet when the automation is triggered
- 🆕 Update a spreadsheet by setting a new value or a new formula in a cell
- 💾 Add a new record to your Airtable base using values in Google Sheets
- 🆕 Add a database item into Notion
- 🐒 Add a subscriber to Mailchimp
- 📇 Add a contact to HubSpot CRM 
- ⬆️ Sort a sheet
- ➕ Insert a new row in a sheet
- 🏷️ Use merge tags to refer to dynamic data in your message... more to come as we keep improving the product.

For more information about Logic Sheet, please visit:

If you have any questions, please contact the developer at, I will reply to you in less than 24 hours.

If you have any trouble using Logic Sheet, please take a look at our detailed documentation here:
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Aplikacja Logic Sheet - Automate your spreadsheets poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
Aplikacja Logic Sheet - Automate your spreadsheets będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
Pozwoli to aplikacji Logic Sheet - Automate your spreadsheets na:
Tworzenie i aktualizowanie projektów Google Apps Script
Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich arkuszy kalkulacyjnych z Arkuszy Google
Wyświetlanie i uruchamianie treści internetowych firm zewnętrznych w okienkach i na paskach bocznych aplikacji Google
Łączenie z usługą zewnętrzną
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Okęcie Park
2 lutego 2025
This is the app I was looking for! Best & simple & powerful tool for notifications in different ways you wish. Convenient & flexible. Thank you Logic Sheet!
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Gate 61 Offices
29 stycznia 2025
Great app, simple, working fast, many options to choose. No errors noticed during 3 monts usage. I recommend it.
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1 marca 2025
useful, simple, effective, failure-free, bug-free, good job, keep it up!
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Dominik Laburda
7 lutego 2024
Very usfull app. Its helping me organize work on sheets. Easy to manage, easy to handle. 5 stars from me Great Job!
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