Automatically record and update timestamps for data entries in Google Sheets™ with AutoTimeStamp. Simplify and enhance your data management.
정보 업데이트:2025년 1월 10일
호환 기기:
AutoTimeStamp is a Google Workspace™ add-on designed to simplify tracking and managing changes in Google Sheets™. Automatically record and update timestamps for your spreadsheet data to ensure accurate and efficient data management.

Key features include:

Automatic Timestamps: Record creation and update timestamps without manual entry.
Customization: Set up timestamp columns easily to track creation dates, update times, or both.
Data Integrity: Lock columns to preserve data integrity.
Seamless Integration: Integrates effortlessly with Google Sheets™ to enhance your workflow.
AutoTimeStamp is ideal for managing inventory, tracking employee attendance, monitoring academic research, and more. It ensures your data remains well-organized and up-to-date, providing a clear audit trail for any changes made. Enhance your Google Sheets™ workflow with automated timestamp management. Get started with AutoTimeStamp today.
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