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Beautiful Project management, Time tracking and Billing for your business. Signup for your free Avaza account now!
136 tys.+
Avaza (Free) is a beautiful software suite for small business, with modules for Project Management, Collaboration, Time Tracking, Expense Management & Invoicing. 

Each of these modules can be used together or independently to suit your business.
In short, Avaza helps you get work done, and get paid.

Amazingly, the entire Avaza suite is optimized to work well on Desktops, Tables & Mobiles, so you can manage everything whenever convenient.

All Avaza features are included in the FREE account, including unlimited projects, unlimited project users & unlimited tasks.
There are some limitations on the number of free admin/timesheet users, customers & monthly invoices. These can be extended by upgrading to paid plans.

Project Management Features:
 - Project Progress Dashboards
 - Project Budgeting
 - Task Lists
 - Automatic reminders for overdue tasks
 - Email enabled Discussions around Tasks
 - Activity Feeds
 - SCRUM Burndown Charts
 - Integration with Timesheets
 - Powerful reports

Financial & Cloud Accounting Features:

 - Beautiful Invoices
 - Flexible Tax Configuration
 - Expenses with attachments
 - Timesheets with flexible ratecards
 - Time tracking with Timers
 - Add timesheets & Expenses to client invoices
 - Credit Notes
 - Payment Tracking
 - Support for Partial Payments
 - Support for Split payments across invoices
 - Paypal Paynow buttons on Invoices
 - Automatic Payment allocation for Online Payments
 - Multicurrency Invoices, Expenses, Credit Notes & Payments
 - Both Automatic market rates & Manual Exchange rates
 - Powerful Reports
Dodatkowe informacje
Status przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
Aplikacja Avaza poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
Aplikacja Avaza będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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