Avgidea Data Platform democratizes Data and AI to improve usability and accessibility.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:3 Temmuz 2023
Şununla çalışır:
144 B+
Genel Bakış
Avgidea Data Platform consists of several components to provide a one-stop data platform in order to improve usability and accessibility of data and AI models. 

Data Search and Query Editor : implement searching and querying functionality for publicly available Open Data. It is aimed to prevent switching tools and minimizing DataOps cost. Open Data standards, such as ckan, Dataverse and SPARQL, are currently supported.

Prediction : performs deep learning predictions on text data. It is currently capable of performing sentiment analysis in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.

Social : processes tweets which contain pre-registered keywords, runs a sentiment analysis using Prediction, and aggregates the results on a daily basis. The aggregated results and graphs can be imported into Google Sheets to gain new insights.

Advertising : loads targeting lists from Avgidea Data Platform and saves them back after editing. Those lists can also be reflected directly to Twitter Ads campaigns. This feature requires Avgidea Data Platform Premium subscription license.

- Use "Desktop" PC and click "Install" button above.
- Open a Sheet & "Extensions" -> "avgidea" -> "Sign in" to complete installation.
- Web browser version for free trial : https://adp.avgidea.io

- Installation Guide : https://www.avgidea.io/installation1.html
- Product Document : https://www.avgidea.io/avgidea-data-platform.html
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