This player can play media files including avi, wmv, mov. Play and decode media files directly from your browser without plugins.
Listingan diperbarui:15 Maret 2022
Berfungsi dengan:
697 rb+
This online player can play various media files including avi, wmv, mov.
This app is not a full-featured player, and some files may not play or the video/audio sync may not match.
However, it can be an appropriate online previewer to check the contents of various media files without downloading the software. You can play and decode media files directly from your browser without special plugins.
Supports saving a video frame as image. You can capture video screenshot from a video.
Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari...

Supported formats: webm,mp4,avi,m4v,mkv,mov,mpe,mpeg,mpg,mts,vob,ogv,wmv
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