BackupBot is the easiest way to backup your Google Sheets™, Docs™ or Slides™ files automatically or on demand in Google Drive™ and Shared Drive™. You can also schedule email backups.
Fortegnelse opdateret:9. maj 2024
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With BackupBot you can backup your files automatically or on demand when needed it. It works as a set it and forget it type of service.

You can select any folder from your Google Drive™ as a backup folder or even Shared Drive™ folders.
BackupBot has an easy to access menu and button for "Backup now" to backup any file instantly.

You can schedule your backups to run in Google Drive™:
- hourly
- daily at a set hour
- weekly on a set day and hour
- monthly on a set day 

Schedule email backups of your files in PDF, XLSX, CSV and more. You can schedule your email backups to run:
- hourly
- daily at a set hour
- weekly on a set day and hour
- monthly on a set day 

You can have only one type of backup at a time. 
Backups can be canceled at any time. 
The free trial is valid for 14 days, we email you 7 days before to make sure you want to continue.


- In this version we’ve added email backups and fixed a couple of bugs.
- Another feature we’ve added the incremental backup option that will backup the file and replace the old file.
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BackupBot anmoder om de tilladelser, der er angivet nedenfor. Få flere oplysninger
BackupBot har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver BackupBot tilladelse til følgende:
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Docs-dokumenter
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Drev-filer
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Slides-præsentationer
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Sheets-regneark
Vis og kør tredjepartswebindhold i meddelelser og sidebjælker i Google-apps
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
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Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
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