Google Translates your text to a random language multiple times then back to your language, resulting in amusing nonsense.
Дата оновлення:26 червня 2022 р.
172 тис.+
Bad Translator is a simple add-on that abuses Google Translate by force-feeding your text through the Translate algorithm into a random language multiple times, then back to your language.

Results are mixed. You can expect anything from awkward phrasing to complete and total nonsense, depending on your selected distortion level as well as pure chance.

--------OTHER ADD-ONS--------

Also try Fun Text!

Fun Text is a simple word art add-on that can apply a wide range of fun visual effects to your text, allowing you to creatively customize its appearance.

Get it here:

Also try Text Themes!

Text Themes is a simple add-on that applies fun visual themes to your text using a combination of coloring, emoji particles, and other text attributes.

Get it here:


Version 1.4 is here, I just added a Troubleshoot dialog that might help some users when the add-on stops working.


-Preset distortion levels 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80

-Custom distortion levels

-The ability to change your starting/ending language

If you have any ideas for new features, you can suggest them to me at I'm always open to new ideas!
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Додаток Bad Translator запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Bad Translator буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Bad Translator зможе:
Перегляд документів, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
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