Balsamiq Wireframes allows you to create, edit and share sketch-quality wireframes, all within Drive™ and the other Google Workplace™ apps (Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™).
Listingan diperbarui:16 Februari 2023
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Balsamiq Wireframes is the easiest, fastest, most fun, best supported wireframing tool on the Internet. The integration with Google Drive™ is pretty slick: you can create or edit wireframes projects directly from Google Drive™, all within the browser. You can even collaborate on your wireframes with others, in real time!

Balsamiq Wireframes for Google Drive™ is fully integrated with the other Google Workplace™ apps (Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™). The Balsamiq Wireframes apps allow you to quickly browse and insert your wireframes in your Google Workplace™ documents.

At the end of your fully-functional 30-day trial period you will be able to view existing wireframes, but you will not be able to edit or create new wireframes unless you sign up for a paid plan. To do so, you must sign up for a subscription, which costs $5/month or $50/year per editor. Team plans are available if you'd like to pay for others, and you can stop and restart your subscription at any time.
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