Banckle Chat is a live chat customer support app which helps you to effectively and efficiently monitor and interact with your website visitors in real-time, turning them into loyal customers.
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Banckle Chat allows your website visitors to chat with you and empowers you to listen to your customers and resolve their issues on the spot. There is no need to keep your customers busy in ringing to phone support when they can reach you with just few clicks. Banckle Chat is feature-rich, and pretty easy to learn. It works as your smart assistant when getting to know about your customers and their preferences. It lets you monitor your website traffic in real-time and brings in a lot of valuable demographic as well as technical information about each visitor. Banckle Chat boosts the performance of your support personnel by encouraging the team work and automate many manual processes.

Banckle Chat Apps, plugins, add-ons are available for many popular 3rd party marketplace and mobile platforms. There is a FREE edition and there are lots of other editions to choose from at extremely affordable rates.

Following are some of the salient features of Banckle Chat. For details, kindly visit:
Usability (

    Aesthetics, Simple and Intuitive User Interface
    True Platform, OS and Browser Independence
    Perform Live Chat Anywhere, Anytime
    Easy to Setup and Use
    Latest Version Availability
    Auto-Scrolling Chat Window
    Highly Elaborative Dashboard
    Expanded Graphical View
    Tabbed User Interface
    Easy Status Update
    Noticeable Voice Notifications
    Customer Screen Interface
    Typing Indication
    Centralized Volume Control

Customization and Administration (

    Super-easy Customization
    Custom Branding with White-label
    Department Settings
    Multiple Language Support
    Powerful API
    User-Defined Chat Link Icons
    Highly Customizable Chat Widget
    Insanely Customizable Chat Dialog Themes
    Embeddable HTML Code
    Float-able Live Chat Icon
    Customize Offline Message Sender Email
    Custom Audio Notifications
    Experience it Before Putting it Live

Productivity (

    Intelligent Customer Waiting Queue
    Accept Chat Request on Priority for Senior Customers
    Efficient Proactive Chat
    Intelligent Proactive Chat Invitations
    Greet the Customers Your Way
    Pre-defined Canned Messages
    Real-Time Translation of Chat Messages
    Operator-to-Operator Chat
    Seamless Real-Time Chat Transfer
    Lead Multiple Chat Sessions
    Receive and Reply Offline Messages
    Offline Message Counter
    Basic and Advanced Search
    Filter Chat History
    Export Chart and Reports
    Banned IPs
    Mark Offline Messages as Spam

Diversity (

    Apps for iPhone and iPad
    Ever-Growing Marketplace Apps
    Use any XMPP Client for Banckle Chat
    Banckle Chat Lab

Monitoring (

    Interactive Charts and Reports
    Monitor Real-Time Website Traffic Analytics
    Gauge Live Chat Operator Performance
    Chat Trends
    Changing the Reports and Charts Representation Format

Chat (

    Pro-actively Initiate Chat
    Conduct Secure Chat Confidently
    Search Chat History
    Useful Post-Chat Survey
    Print Chat Transcript
    Email Chat Transcript
    Save Chat Transcript

Visitor Interaction and Info (

    Personalized Interaction
    Follow-Up Customer Via Email
    Detailed User Information
    Track Previous Chat Sessions
    IP-Country Detection
    Visitor Referrer Information
    Visitor Search Keywords
    Versatile Visitor Statistics
    Follow the Visitor Footprints
    Online Visitors List and Details
    Demographic Details
    Repeated Visitors
    Visitor Chat History
    Take Notes

Support and Reliability (

    99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
    Free Forever Edition
    Affordable Pricing Plans
    Prompt Technical Support
    Real Support from Real Gurus
    Support Diagnosis Tool
    Help – Just a Click Away
    Adept Live Support for All Issues
    Comprehensive Video Tutorials
    Huge Resource and Documentation Library
    Feedback Forum
    We Keep You Updated
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