A Google Sheets™ add-in that imports your bank transactions automatically.
Zápis aktualizován:7. února 2025
2 tis.+
Nobody wants to download .csv files from their bank just to manage them in a Spreadsheet. And, budgeting Apps are cool, but there's just not any flexibility to manage your transactions exactly how you'd like. Enter... BankToSheets™!

A Google Sheets™ add-in that will sync your bank transactions to Sheets™ automatically. BankToSheets™ connects to your financial Institution through Plaid™ - the leader in Secure Bank Connectivity. Plaid™ supports over 10 thousand institutions.

Spreadsheets provide the infinite flexibility to manage your finances:
- Budgeting
- Tracking and Categorizing expenses
- Reconciling business transactions
- Tracking your Net Worth
- and whatever else you can image with a spreadsheet :)

With BankToSheets™, you can configure your Sheets™ however you'd like. You can connect to all your institutions in one sheet, or separate/organize them into multiple different Sheets™. Your connections can be used as much as you like, and all your accounts for the connection come with it. Transactions and Balances will sync multiple times a day, with no limit.

BTS can be used a couple of different ways:
1 - From Scratch
By default, BTS will create the basic tabs of information in your spreadsheet. A tab for your transactions, and a tab to keep track of your balances. With this raw data, you can customize and build out your file with charts, pivot tables, and however else you'd like.
2 - From a Template
BTS offers a powerful budgeting and reporting template to get started. With user's input and suggestions, it will keep getting better!
All that's required is to copy a new blank template, and open the BTS add-in to start syncing your transactions.

BankToSheets™ is free to get started - no Credit Card required. Use it for a few days for free just to see how easy and handy it is to have your transactions into a spreadsheet automatically!

I'm Adam, and I created this add-in because I've tried every other solution I could find on the web. Some are way too expensive, some aren't supported or don't work very well, and even the most popular ones have poor bank connectivity issues, and you frequently have to refresh your connection. BankToSheets™ solves these problems, and it keeps getting better by user submitted ideas!

What about privacy and security?

BankToSheets™ does not store your Bank Credentials; this is all controlled by Plaid™. We won't sell any of your information, ever. Your transactions exist only in your own Sheets™, so they can't be shared with anyone unless you give them permission. 


Free Trial - connect up to 3 Institutions for a few days to try it out. You'll see how easy it is! No credit card or information required to get started.

After that, it's $5/month for up to 5 Institutions. All your accounts for each Institution are included. Your Institutions can be used across however many Sheets™ you'd like. 

If you need more than 5, you can go up to 20 at $1/ea.

For more info, check banktosheets.com.

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Aplikaci BankToSheets tím umožníte:
Čtení, úpravy, vytváření a mazání všech vašich tabulek v Tabulkách Google
Zobrazování obsahu webů třetích stran ve výzvách a postranních panelech v aplikacích Google
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Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
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