BaseLinker is an e-commerce integration and multi-channel sales management system.
Listing updated:April 22, 2022
Works with:
Everything is now at hand - combine your email accounts, marketplace platforms, online shops, couriers, accounting and other e-commerce tools in one BaseLinker panel.

BaseLinker offers more than 500 e-commerce integrations and boosts the workflow of over 16,000 sellers worldwide.

Upgrade your business to the next level
➤ List thousands of marketplace offers with just a few clicks.
➤ Download orders from different sources (Amazon, eBay, Allegro, online shops) to one panel and automate their fulfillment process.
➤ Get your packages ready in no time and flawlessly with the free Pick&Pack Assistant.
➤ Send shipments with various couriers in bulk - shipping documents and labels may be printed for you.
➤ Automatically notify customers of each stage of the order fulfillment.

Discover the latest system feature designed to make the work of retailers even more efficient.

BaseLinker for Gmail
➤ This is a free BaseLinker add-on that shows the customer's orders related to a given email address directly in the Gmail mailbox view and one click takes you to the correct order card in BaseLinker.
➤ Save the time so far spent on switching between your inbox and order list.
➤ Forget about the exhausting order database investigation - your customers will be answered sooner.
➤ Useful option - directly from the 'BaseLinker for Gmail' you can create a new order for a given customer.

Good news
➤ Already a BaseLinker user? Enjoy 'BaseLinker for Gmail' completely free of charge.
➤ The add-on is available free of charge in every variant of the BaseLinker offer.
➤ Test all system integrations and functions completely free of charge for 14 days.
➤ No user or message quantity limit.
➤ No time frame imposed - use it as long as you need it
Additional information
PricingNot available
Trader status unspecified
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Terms of service
BaseLinker for Gmail will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
BaseLinker for Gmail will need access to your Google account
This will allow BaseLinker for Gmail to :
View your email messages when the add-on is running
Run as a Gmail add-on
Connect to an external service
View your country, language, and timezone
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Meng Shen
October 24, 2020
I use Baselinker to manage the Allegro business, and it's great - this plug-in definitively increases the productivity and speed of customer service. There are many possibilities still can be implemented (some sort of automation for Allegro emails for example), but hey, it's free and I won't complain. Good job BL!
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October 23, 2020
Bardzo fajna funkcjonalność! Super była by możliwość zostawiania notatek wenętrznych do zamówienia w taki sposób aby notatki były widoczne zarówno w zakładce Gmail Baselinker jak i w samym Baslinkerze. Ułatwiło by nam to o niebo customer care. Pozdrowienia dla Zespołu BL!
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Marcin Lachner
October 23, 2020
Ciężko powiedzieć jaki tutaj był zamysł dewelopera ale na GSuite/Google Workplace add-on działa tylko przy oficjalnych mailach potwierdzających zamówienia/płatności. Może warto byłoby pomyśleć o czymś w rodzaju parsingu maila- niezależnie czy jest to pytanie od kupującego czy komentarz czy coś innego (jeśli tyko w mailu lub metadanych znajdują się dane pozwalające na identyfikację zamówienia). Poza tym BL jest super.
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