The Bastion - Report Phishing Add-on enable your colleagues to report phishing tentative to our cybersecurity experts.
Ändrades senast:26 juni 2024
Fungerar med:
The Bastion - Report Phishing add-on allows any of your colleagues to report suspicious emails to Bastion security team. Our team of cyber expert will investigate in a safe environnement the reported e-mail and give the reporter details about the findings to improve the overall security of his company. Human risk is amongst the highest in the current world and this add-on enables everyone in the company to become more resilient and alert.

The installation of the "Bastion report phishing" add-on is free of charge. The level of investigation done by our experts will depend on the plan chosen for the Bastion Platform.

Visit or contact us at to know more about Bastion and the different plans.
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Bastion - Report Phishing behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Bastion - Report Phishing behörighet att:
Visa metadata för e-postmeddelandet när tillägget körs
Visa e-postmeddelanden när tillägget körs
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