BeeCanvas is visual collaboration tool. All of your ideas in one place. It's the easiest way to express thoughts and communicate clearly with your entire team.
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222 N+
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Enhance your team’s productivity and efficiency through visual collaboration.
Express thoughts, ideas, and communicate instantly with your team members, as if you were in the same room.

We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. That’s why BeeCanvas offers you a unified visual workspace for your next project. It’s the easiest way to express your thoughts, share your ideas, and communicate with your team.

- Make your own visual workspace. BeeCanvas lets you post, share, and edit your concepts from anywhere. 
- Work with anyone, anytime, anywhere. Real-time whiteboards allow you to collaborate as if you’re in the same room. No matter where you are, you can review and optimize your visual content together.

#Core features

Now you can collect and organize all of your information—images, documents, links, and YouTube videos—in one place. BeeCanvas brings out the best in your meetings and brainstorming.

Google Drive, Dropbox, or YouTube—whatever tools you're using, BeeCanvas will simplify your workflow and centralize your diverse information.

BeeCanvas is a real-time visual collaboration tool. Collaborate with your team, whether desktop, but iPhone, or iPad users. Everyone can be together with the BeeCanvas App.


"BeeCanvas serves as a whiteboard for graphic and visually driven projects, with a ‘refrigerator’ to store important elements or items. It’s like Google docs for designers, artists, and those working on visual projects."
- Forbes

"I used to collaborate on Messenger, but when there was a communication problem I always had to make a call or schedule a meeting. With BeeCanvas, I communicate more effectively. I can exchange music files, images, and memos, all in real time and without extra meetings."
- JI BARK (Film composer)
- Kim Ki Duk films, as Spring Summer Fall Winter … and Spring & Samaria. 
- the Jerry Goldsmith Awards at 23 to become the first Asian recipient
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