Ben helps companies develop more effective and protective collaboration habits for all employees thanks to tailored support for employees and leaders. Learn more →
Дата оновлення:23 серпня 2021 р.
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Ben provides solutions for improving performance and wellbeing at work. We help companies develop more effective and protective collaboration practices for all employees through tailored support for employees and leaders.

For employees:
Our digital coach helps employees develop better collaboration habits. Ben enables all employees to develop a full awareness of their collaboration habits through a weekly report on their collaboration practices. Based on each employee's profile, Ben then proposes concrete and hyper-personalized recommendations to help them manage their time better, succeed in disconnecting, or feel more efficient.

For executives:
Ben helps leaders understand the collaboration habits of their teams, and to deploy efficient action plans to improve efficiency and wellbeing at work. Ben offers unique analyses based on AI technology and the latest scientific research, enabling a very detailed understanding of collaboration patterns and their impact on individuals.
This helps answer strategic questions such as "How can I make meetings more effective?"; "Do collaborative practices lead to longer workdays?"; or "What is the level of burnout risk in my organization?"

For more information, visit our website
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