Open a blank doc, use this add on, and zap over the details from the calendar event. Then, automatically share your notes with the events and all attendees! Be a better meeter today.
Дата оновлення:9 квітня 2023 р.
24 тис.+
Update 3-8-2023:
We squashed a number of bugs leading to no menu or no data. Plus we lowered our price! Check it out with a trial run :)

Update 9-1-2021: this app will now be paid to enable better support.
Starting a meeting and need to take proper notes and manage an agenda? Open a blank doc, use this add on, and zap over the details from the calendar event. Then, automatically share your notes with the events and all attendees! Be a better meeter today.

When you run the app, a sidebar will appear with the names of all meetings you have today (the current date). Click on one and:
- automatically connect to the name, attendees and description of that event 
- the document will get formatted nice and pretty for effective notes
- and all attendees will be shared as editors!

More to come, enjoy v12!
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