BetterCloud File Governance - #1 file-sharing governance platform for Google Workspace™ - Free trial install available
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:4 tháng 3, 2025
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Here's how BetterCloud can help:

Prevent data breaches: 
Implement strict access controls and sharing limitations to keep sensitive information safe.
Simplify compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA: Automate data governance tasks and generate detailed audit trails for regulatory compliance.

Gain visibility into file-sharing activity: Monitor how files are shared internally and externally to identify potential risks.
Stop oversharing: Control external sharing, set expiration dates, and revoke access with ease.
Automate data remediation: Enforce policies and correct sharing violations automatically.
If you're searching for terms like:

- Google Drive™ security
- Google Workspace™ data governance
- Prevent data leakage Google Drive™
- File-sharing control Google Workspace™
- Secure external file sharing

Then BetterCloud File Governance is the answer.

Leverage the power of BetterCloud and Google Cloud™ to unlock the full potential of Google Workspace™ while ensuring your data remains secure and compliant.

BetterCloud enables administrators with the following capabilities:

🚀 Effortless Onboarding in Just 15 Minutes: Say goodbye to lengthy implementation cycles. BetterCloud gets you up and running swiftly, so you can focus on what matters most.

🔎 Unparalleled Insights: From day one, gain a comprehensive overview of all files shared and permissions granted—across both personal drives and shared drives. No more guesswork; just crystal-clear visibility.

⭕ Bulk Remediation Made Simple: Our admin-friendly cleanup tools allow you to tackle file sprawl efficiently. Say hello to streamlined compliance without the headache.

😇 Empowering End-Users Responsibly: We use automation to involve your employees in the cleanup process. They can continue collaborating while maintaining compliance. It’s a win-win.

💪 Customizable Governance Policies: Set different cycles for different user groups. BetterCloud adapts to your unique needs, ensuring flexibility without compromising control.

🔮 Stay Ahead with Abnormality Detection: Our machine learning feature keeps you informed

Install the BetterCloud File-sharing Governance App and get immediate insights about your actual file-sharing footprint. Learn the features and upgrade to a full subscription if you wish to start executing your file-sharing governance, automation, and remediation.
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Điều này sẽ cho phép BetterCloud File Governance:
Xem, chỉnh sửa, tạo và xóa tất cả tệp của bạn trên Google Drive
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