Search and automatically create citations and add bibliographies to your Google Docs in one click.
Дата оновлення:1 листопада 2023 р.
763 тис.+
Bibcitation is a free citation generator that lets you create automatic citations for books, websites and journal articles and add bibliographies and works cited to your Google Docs in one click.

How does it work?

✓ Add Bibcitation to Google Docs to enable the add-on.

✓ Look up the URL or the source title to automatically cite books, websites and journal articles or manually create citations for additional sources, such as videos, images, artwork and more.

✓ Format your bibliography in MLA, APA, Chicago and over 9,000 other citation styles. 

✓ Copy and paste in-text citations into your paper and add the auto-generated bibliography directly to your Google Docs file. 

Bibcitation is a simple alternative to citation tools and citation generators such as Easy Bib, Mendeley, Endnote, MyBib, Easybib, Zotero, Cite This For Me, EasyBib Bibliography Creator and other bib citation tools.
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Перегляд документів, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
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