BibleBolt is a handy tool designed to help easily insert Bible verses into your Google Docs™. It allows you to save time while ensuring scripture is presented cleanly and consistently.
Дата оновлення:10 грудня 2024 р.
BibleBolt is a user-friendly Google Docs™ add-on designed to streamline Bible verse insertion and formatting for Bible communicators. Whether you're a pastor, sermon writer, theology student, or home group leader, BibleBolt enables you to quickly add scripture into your documents, ensuring clean and consistent formatting every time. 

Key Features: 

Effortless Bible Verse Insertion: BibleBolt integrates seamlessly into Google Docs™, allowing you to insert Bible verses with just a few clicks using a simple toolbar button or keyboard shortcut. 

Wide Range of Translations: BibleBolt leverages API access to the Digital Bible Library, offering a variety of Bible translations. It ensures that scripture references are accurate and up-to-date. 

Consistent Formatting: The add-on provides high-quality formatting options, preserving the integrity and readability of Bible passages. This includes proper handling of annotations, passage headings, and verse numbering. 

Real-Time Updates: BibleBolt ensures that any changes or additions to available Bible translations are immediately reflected in the tool, giving you access to the most current versions. 

Designed for Bible Communicators: BibleBolt is tailored to meet the needs of pastors, home group leaders, sermon writers, lecturers, and theology students, helping them save time and focus on their message while bringing more of God's Word into their work. 

Elevate your Bible communication workflow with BibleBolt, the essential tool for seamlessly inserting and formatting scripture into your documents. Install today and experience the simplicity and efficiency of BibleBolt for Google Docs™. 
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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