Automatically formats citations from your Mendeley library in Google Docs.
Informações atualizadas:20 de maio de 2024
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Bibs for Mendeley simplifies the process of citing sources in your research papers. It seamlessly integrates with your Mendeley library, allowing you to insert properly formatted in-text citations and bibliographies in your documents with just a few clicks.

This powerful tool eliminates the need for manual citation formatting, saving you time and effort. It supports most major citation styles, including APA, Vancouver, and Harvard, so you can focus on the substance of your writing rather than the technical details of citation formatting.

This add-ons is not affiliated with Mendeley or Elsevier. Mendeley is a trademark of Elsevier Limited.
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5 de junho de 2024
Dear Bibs4Mendeley-Docs Support, I am writing to you regarding an issue I am facing with the Mendeley add-on for Google Docs. When I try to use the add-on, I receive a message stating "This add-on is not created by Mendeley." I am interested in using the Mendeley add-on to insert citations and references into my Google Docs documents. However, I am unsure how to proceed due to this message. I would be grateful if you could provide any assistance in resolving this issue. Here are some additional details that might be helpful: Operating System: [Mention your Operating System (e.g., Windows 10, macOS Monterey)] Google Docs Version: [You can find this by going to Help > About Google Docs] Mendeley Desktop Version (if applicable): [If you have the Mendeley desktop app installed, mention the version number] Thank you for your time and support
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