The BigML add-on provides an easy way to fill the blanks in your Spreadsheets using the predictions of models and clusters in BigML.
Дата оновлення:30 травня 2024 р.
9 тис.+
Use the BigML add-on to:
* Fill in the columns in your spreadsheets by predicting the missing values using existing BigML decision tree models.
     - Easily identify the predicted values and the associated confidence level of the prediction.
     - For example, a spreadsheet containing sales prospects can be augmented by populating lead score values that are computed by a related BigML decision tree model.

* Group the rows in your spreadsheet according to their similarity using BigML cluster models.
     - Assign group labels to every row and list the distance for each row to the center point of the corresponding cluster.
     - For example, a spreadsheet containing customer information can be appended with the segment values sourced from a cluster model built on BigML.

Using BigML's REST API, this add-on brings the power of Machine Learning models and clusters to complete the missing information in your Google Spreadsheets.
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