Create Bingo Boards in Google Sheets™. Collects no user data.
Дата оновлення:15 грудня 2023 р.
49 тис.+
Turn a list of terms into Bingo Sheets. Use the Extensions menu to setup your spreadsheet. Create a list of at least 25 items. Use the Add-on to generate unique Bingo Sheets. Indicate. how many versions you wish to generate. Tip: When printing, change the print settings to PORTRAIT.

Update: Add a value to a cell on one of the sheets and use the menu to PUSH that value to the other sheets. This allows you to add custom directions. Note: It does NOT push to the first sheet assuming that is the list of terms.

Add-on by Alice Keeler. Collects NO User Data. NO PII. Check out more of her Add-ons at
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