This is a collection of several utility functions to work with DNA and protein sequences.
Дата оновлення:9 січня 2024 р.
The bioinformatics application intends to run basic bioinformatics functions in google sheet format. Biologists use different web servers to perform individual and simple tasks. For example, to calculate physical and chemical parameter for protein, is a widely used server. To compute reverse complement of DNA, we can use . While different servers are easily accessible, there is short of a consolidated application that integrates these different functions together, and allow it for easy of use in spreadsheet like software, such as excel or google sheet. Spreadsheets are more biologist friendly and accessibly to everyone. The development of “Bioinformatics” as google sheet add on was driven by this goal.

It can work with manipulating DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It includes common functions for DNA manipulation such as reverse, complement, Tm, translation and for protein sequence such as MW, extinction coefficient. The google sheet add-on allows seamless integration of these functions and be able to reach the broad biological community.
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