Connect Sheets to a Bizverse workspace. View and analyse data and construct custom reports.
호환 기기:
The Bizverse Sheets Connector allows information contained in a linked Bizverse workspace to be accessed and exposed using Google Sheets.  Once a workspace is permanently linked by a Workspace Administrator to a Google Sheets instance, it cannot be re-linked to any other workspace.

When a connector is enabled, workspace information may be extracted as JSON objects and then exposed using a number of custom expressions shipped with the addon. Advanced G-Suite users with a good understanding of the Bizverse schema may further supplement the shipped addons functions with their own custom functions.

Sharing of information with the Google Sheets utility may be achieved using the existing Google Drive sharing functionality. This functionality is supplemented by  a Permissions Management application. Permissions and permission changes are also stored and tracked in the Bizverse Workspace.
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Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Google 애플리케이션 내 메시지 및 사이드바에 외부 웹 콘텐츠를 표시하고 실행합니다.
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