Google AutoML Natural Language is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text. This add-on enables you to seamlessly use AutoML to detect the sentiment of the document or selection, detect key phrases in the document or selection as well as detect entities in the document or selection. The tool lets you visualize the syntax using different kinds of graphs. These graphs can easily be uploaded as images to your Gdrive or Photos library. Free 7 day trial, then requires subscription.
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1 tn+
Google AutoML Natural Language is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text.
This add-on enables you to seamlessly use AutoML to detect the sentiment of the document or selection, 
detect key phrases in the document or selection as well as detect entities in the document or selection.
The tool lets you visualize the syntax using different kinds of graphs. These graphs can easily be uploaded as images to your Gdrive or Photos library.
Free 7 day trial, then requires subscription.
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