View constituent information and create email actions in Blackbaud without leaving Gmail™.
Дата оновлення:11 грудня 2023 р.
186 тис.+
Blackbaud continually aims to empower its users to spend less time in the office and more time on their mission. Blackbaud for Gmail™ streamlines the process for creating actions, providing the information and context fundraisers need while interacting with constituents through Gmail™. Fundraisers can view valuable constituent details — such as contact information, giving history, and current prospect status — directly within Gmail™. Fundraisers can also add the email content to actions for constituents with a handful of clicks, with no typing or copying of data required. Standard fields — such as direction and completed date — default in, and the body of the email automatically appears in the notes of the action, (while providing the option to edit as needed). NOTE: This add-on can only be used by Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT or Church Management customers.
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Перегляд електронних листів під час взаємодії з доповненням
Перегляд метаданих електронних листів під час запуску доповнення
Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
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