1) Export your Google Slides™ as animated GIF. In addition speaker notes can be exported to Google Docs™. 2) Export your Google Sheets™ charts as animated GIF.
Ändrades senast:21 februari 2025
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1) Google Slides™: Animated GIF - How does the workflow work?

a) At first create your slides
b) When you are ready to go, just open the add-on sidebar via the menu
c) Choose “Animated GIF” from the dropdown menu
d) Choose your desired width (pixels) and interval (seconds)
e) Click the “Save to My Drive” button
f) As soon as the add-an has finished its work, you can click on the link at the bottom of the add-on and the file will open up
g) The result will be an animated GIF of all your slides

2) Google Slides™: Speaker notes - How does the workflow work?

a) At first create your slides and add your speaker notes
b) When you are ready to go, just open the add-on sidebar via the menu
c) Choose “Speaker notes” from the dropdown menu
d) Click the “Save to My Drive” button
e) As soon as the add-an has finished its work, you can click on the link at the bottom of the add-on and the file will open up
f) The result will be a Google Docs™ containing all your speaker notes

3) Google Sheets™: Animated GIF - How does the workflow work?

a) At first create insert your data and create your charts
b) When you are ready to go, just open the add-on sidebar via the menu
c) Choose “Animated GIF” from the dropdown menu
d) Click the “Save to My Drive” button
e) As soon as the add-an has finished its work, you can click on the link at the bottom of the add-on and the file will open up
f) The result will be an animated GIF of all your charts

4) Google Drive™ export

All files are exported to "My Drive" in your Google Drive™.

 ➤ ➤ ➤ SUPPORT ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Our website offers a FAQ section, with answered questions from other users. In addition you will find a contact form, to get in touch with us.

We are grateful for any feedback and feature requests :)
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