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Blockchain For Sheet is a FREE add-on which lets you record your sheet entries to the Ethereum Blockchain.
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Blockchain For Sheet is a FREE add-on which lets you record your sheet entries to the Ethereum Blockchain.
Proof of Entry: Once the user fills up the Google form or enters a value in Google sheet, his/her record will be sent directly to the Blockchain and a proof for this entry will be added to the sheet. Against each row in the Sheet, a column will automatically appear which contains the transaction hash of each entry in the row. The records on the Blockchain can be viewed by simply searching the transaction hash on the public Ethereum ledger (testnet).

For whom this add-on is designed?

* Accountants 
* Merchants who want to keep an immutable record for their each and every transaction
* Bankers
* All enthusiasts who want a get a gist of how data is stored in an immutable fashion on the Blockchain. 

Note: Currently the tool is working on testnet and hence you may face delays in verification on blockchain if working on large data sets. 

Designed by Blockchain developers and experience designers, this add-on is easy to use. Try it today!

Have questions about how Blockchain for Sheet handles data? Click the link below.
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Blockchain For Sheet will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Blockchain For Sheet will need access to your Google account
This will allow Blockchain For Sheet to :
View and manage your forms in Google Drive
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
Connect to an external service
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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A User of Blockchain For Sheet
October 24, 2019
Brilliant - every immutable accounting system designer should love this! To ensure tx_hash cell values are unique, use Data Validation -> Custom Formula is -> =COUNTIF($R:$R,"="&R2) < 2 I haven't figures out a Data Validation formula to prevent changes to cells once they have a hash yet but that could be more useful for immutable record-keeping. It might also be useful to create a checksum hash sheet to record any changes to an entire sheet - although GSheet Activity tracking sort-of does that anyway. It seems to also work without using Forms for data-entry. However! It isn't adding the Notes to the `verified` cells for me. Any ideas?
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A User of Blockchain For Sheet
October 30, 2019
If we can make it live on mainnet it might be more useful, good concept anyways. Good job to bring blockchain facilities with right approach, will use it for my projects.
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Samson Assefa
December 10, 2020
Samson Assefa Gebrehiwot
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