The bNumbers add-on numbers the headings in your document. It offers various styles of heading numbering.
정보 업데이트:2024년 4월 25일
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The bNumbers add-on is yet another add-on that can number the headings in your document. However, unlike some other add-ons, it has the following additional features:
• The add-on offers various styles of heading numbering; this includes styles that can use ‘Chapter’ or ‘Section’ as a prefix.
• The add-on preserves the style of the heading; other add-ons we’ve used previously have issues with the style of the previous line bleeding into the heading.
• The add-on can number headings that appear within tables.
• Where links headings are inserted into the text of a Google Doc using the native linking function, the numbers appearing in the link texts are updated when the heading numbering is updated.
• Menu items have short strings used a prefixes, which gives easy access via the alt-/ menu.

The add-on needs to be run manually to number or renumber headings.

The add-on offers several utilities, including:
• Mark internal heading links. Internal heading links can break relatively easily. This utility adds a marker text to all internal headings, making it easy to navigate to and check those.
• Prefix all headings with a string. The document may already have numbers. This utility prefixes a user provided text to each heading. The headings can then be renumbered while preserving the old numbers.

The add-on also allows numbering of paragraphs, optionally numbering sentences too (crudely). Numbers are inserted between ⟦ and ⟧. Numbers can be removed, or be restyled to be less obtrusive.
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