Manage your school with online reservations, memberships, prepaid packages and much more
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:21 Şubat 2022
53 B+
Genel Bakış
Bookeo Classes and Courses is a complete online scheduling solution for your school and training centre.

Bookeo lets clients sign up for workshops, events, courses, private classes and group lessons, anytime day or night. Bookeo takes registrations for you - and even helps grow your business with powerful marketing features. 

Key features:

* Online reservations and payments 24/7 

* Management of cancellations, no shows, cancellation policies, refunds, etc.

* Seamless integration into your website 

* Integration with major payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe 

* Supports multiple locations 

* Upsell your classes with options and extras 

* Automatic email and text reminders 

* Hands-free 2-way sync with Google Calendar

* Sell prepaid packages/punch cards and gift vouchers 

* Manage memberships and recurring payments 

* Offer promotions 

* Stress-free integration with GroupOn/LivingSocial, with automatic voucher validation 

* Easy business analysis with powerful reports & charts 

Bookeo saves you precious time by automating the process of taking reservations, managing your customer records, memberships renewals, and much more. No more lost bookings, overbooking, missed classes!

Try Bookeo Classes and Courses for free for 30 days, no credit card required.
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