Create your own fun and interactive exercises and automatically graded tests.
정보 업데이트:2022년 1월 19일
호환 기기:
Choose from over 40 different exercise templates to create digital activities and automatically graded assignments. BookWidgets has 30+ different question types that support all teachers and course types. Adapt the templates with your own content, share, and review, all from within Google Classroom.

While your students are working on their BookWidgets assignment, monitor their progress live, so you can immediately discover students that need extra challenges, and help struggling students.

After students finish your exercise, you can review their work, grade, provide feedback, and return their work. Grades are automatically sent to your Google Classroom gradebook. Many of the exercises are auto-graded, saving you even more time.

In order to use this add-on, you need a teacher group license and a School agreement with BookWidgets. Contact to set up a School agreement. More information about pricing can be found on the BookWidgets pricing page:
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