Business process simulations modeling tool
Listingan diperbarui:20 Juli 2022
Berfungsi dengan:
960 rb+
BP Simulator Purpose:
✔ Find performance bottlenecks
✔ Test process improvement
✔ Get performance indicators

App Features:
✓ Visual model mapping
✓ Import from BPMN, EPC, Visio
✓ Discrete-event simulation
✓ Productivity dashboard
✓ Make the responsibility matrix
✓ Operating time and cost calculation
✓ Cloud file storage

✓ Products and services development, optimization, reengineering, productivity, lean manufacturing and ABC-costing.

Need help? Have a proposal? Contact us. We have planned a lot of improvements for this year. For any enquiries, please refer to the Reference Guide
or feel free to contact us

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