Business Process Improvement (BPI) Tools for Office & Services
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Business Process Improvement (BPI) Tools for Office & Services

New version updates (v17):
- Corrected the problem with the Activity generator visual editor (mouse editing, moving in new browsers)
- Several minor improvements to all modules

New version updates (v15, v16):
- Further improvements to DecisionAI
- Other minor changes

New version updates (v14):
- Improved the Statistical Process Control Tool, added control points with different colors and symbols.
- Improved the Decision AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tool.  
- Removed restriction: The [Decision] column does not need to be the last column in Decision AI.
- other minor improvements.

New version updates (v13):
- minor improvements

New version updates (v12):

- Added a new Tool: Decision AI (Artificial Intelligence in Business Process Improvement). More info here under.
- Further improvement of the other tools.
- There was a problem with the Facility editor (the Sheet was sometimes not cleared after closing the editor) in the Activity Network Analysis Tool -> Corrected!
- Added the manual selection of Sheet range by entering the range with A1 notation after clicking on the input range field. This can be useful on tap devices which does not support sheet range selection by tapping.

New version updates (v11):

- added a new Tool: Statistical Process Control (automatic statistical analysis of process data, control charts, etc.)
- further improvement of the other tools

New version updates (v10):

- added a new Tool: Facility/Activity Network Analysis with Graphical Facility/Activity Network Editor
- the Specialist Allocation Tool is made much faster
- added internal Help/How To Use
- some minor bugs/problems corrected
- some other small changes

Instructions to use the Add-on & Help:

1. Start Google Sheets.
2. Start a New Blank spreadsheet.
3. Add the BPI Tools add-on from the Add-on menu (available in the Google Web Store for free).
4. When the Authorization Required dialog appears push 'Continue'.
5. In the dialog 'BPI Tools would like to:' push the 'Allow' button. This is a standard procedure to authorize the Add-on to work with your current spreadsheet.
6. Follow the instructions presented in the add-on sidebar and here under.

1. 'Activity/Facility Network' Analysis - Model Generator & Solver

In many real life situations a customer (or product, order, etc.) has to go through a series of service facilities (or departments, activities, etc.), and thus also queues (waiting lines), which are arranged in a connected network. A series/network of facilities to serve clients (any services as e.g. financial/banking, consumer products and retail, public services, entertainment, etc.), products, orders (e.g. sales department, hr, procurement,...), etc. You can design and size (number of servers/employees, waiting time, etc.) your facilities/network with this tool!

How To Use:

Select Tool: 'Facility/Activity Network'.
To start first select the time unit, enter the desired number of facilities (nodes) in the Sidebar, then click Generate Model.
When the model is ready fill in the green input cells (do not change other cells!) or start the Facility Editor and draw/define the network. When you are satisfied with all of your input click 'Solve Model'. The results will be presented in the 'Calculation Results' table.

Facility/Activity Network Editor:
There is a built in graphical network editor which makes the definition of your network of Facilities very simple!

The Generate Example button will generate an example model with example input data filled in and with extra information. You just need to push the Solve Model button.

Read the internal Help/How To Use for more info!

2. Decision Modeling Tools: 'Specialist Allocation' - Model Generator & Solver

Select Tool: 'Specialist Allocation'.
This tool will calculate the optimal number of specialists that you need to send from each given location to the other locations. To start first enter the desired number of locations then click Generate Model. When the model is ready fill in the green input cells (do not change other cells!). In the 'Distance From/To' table enter the distances between the locations. In the Available column enter the available number of specialist at each location. In the Required row enter the required number of specialists at each location. Click 'Solve Model'. The results are presented in the 'Specialists From/To' table.

Please note that you can choose between the Google Solver and the Internal Solver in the Settings (top of the Sidebar).

3. Statistical Process Control

Select Tool: 'Statistical Process Control'.
This tool will automatically analyze your process data taking also into account sub-grouping, will calculate all important statistical properties, will automatically generate control charts and will also automatically indicate on the control charts the most important problems with your process.

Read the internal Help/How To Use for more info!

4. Decision AI (Artificial Intelligence in Business Process Improvement)

This tool is an Artificial Intelligence (machine learning) decision making business process improvement tool which can be used (after training the AI) to quickly make decisions about many different often complex matters as e.g.
- Which next process step the employee (or client, product, etc.) has to take,
- Decide if an action should be taken or not,
- Select an employee (or client, product, etc.) for a specific task (or action, marketing campaign, etc.),
- Root Cause Analyses,
- etc. the applications are endless.

Decision AI can also be used for non business process improvement decisions as for example whether to buy a stock on the stock exchange (with well defined AI training parameters), to quickly classify specific species or plants depending on some characteristics, knowledge management, and even to quickly recognize specific illnesses depending on several symptoms in healthcare, … etc.

Decision AI is very easy to use, it hides the complex algorithm of AI machine learning and with just a few input parameters you can make great improvements to your decision making process and accuracy. People make often mistakes because of complex issues depending on many parameters. A well trained AI will not make a mistake because of complexity but only if it is not trained well enough by you!

Read the internal Help/How To Use for more info!
More info & AI Tools:

More info & Help:
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