Create quizzes w/ images & equations to publish on Google Forms™ or print on Google Docs™. Edit + store them to share or use with Google Classroom™
Listingan diperbarui:19 Desember 2024
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The BrainSTEM Quizzes Google Sheets™ add-on helps teachers, specifically STEM teachers, create, store, share, and edit quizzes for their students.

Publish multiple quiz versions to Google Forms™ for use in Google Classroom™ or Google Docs™ to be printed out with an automatically generated answer key.

Add images and beautiful math equations to enhance your quizzes. Check out the core features below:

🧪Core Features:
    ✔️Store questions in question banks associated with each sheet
    ✔️Write math equations in multiple choice options and question prompts
    ✔️Publish quizzes to Google Forms™ w/ answer key for Google Classroom™
    ✔️Publish quizzes to printable Google Docs™ w/ answer key
    ✔️Publish different quiz versions 
    ✔️Randomize questions
    ✔️Randomize multiple choice options 

We understand there are some questions regarding the permissions needed to use our add-on. To help address these concerns, we outlined exactly why each permission is needed. We aim to be as transparent as possible hoping to inform you that we have absolutely no intent of using the access you grant maliciously. Follow the link below to read on:

The BrainSTEM Quizzes add-on is free to use with the option to upgrade to the premium version. The premium features include randomizing questions, ability to generate multiple versions of the quiz and more.

📘 Change log:
12/19/2024: Increase free version limits
12/21/2022: Make publishing to Docs free.
12/13/2022: Initial publish.
Informasi tambahan
HargaTanpa biaya dengan fitur berbayar
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BrainSTEM Quizzes akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan BrainSTEM Quizzes untuk:
Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus semua dokumen Google Dokumen Anda
Melihat dan mengelola formulir Anda di Google Drive
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Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
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