Our cashflow forecasting tool is custom made for hardware founders. We've fused the best parts of working financial models for hardware startups with over a century of expertise with working with manufacturers and startups. The result is a practical tool you can use to start your hardware journey correctly.
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2 tys.+
This tool is intended for hardware startups in the early stage of product development to gain a better understanding of their cash flow. The model focuses primarily on the development costs, when manufacturing costs may not be known yet. 

We provide a template and some convenient features to help you get started with an analysis of your R&D, manufacturing and operating costs. You will be able to define and manage their early product development costs using Google Sheets. 

This structure will enable you to have an understanding of your burn rate and set potential fundraising goals.
Dodatkowe informacje
BrincStatus przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
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